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About Cathy

Full Name: Catherine Marie Yetman
Age: 17
Birthday: March 23rd, 1983
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
School: Memorial High School
Team sports: Cheerleader for the Memorial Lightning
Fav Wrestlers: Edge and Christian, The Hardyz, The Rock, the taker, HHH, Chris Jericho, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels.
Fav Food: Chicken
Fav Fast Food: McDonalds and Burger King
Nicknames: Reese, Drew, Pantyz, Katie
Family: My mom Sheliah, my dad Johnney, my step mom Cathy and my new baby bro Aubrey!
Pets: Cat named Jade
ICQ#: 75045817
My Pic:

This Is Two years Old, so it's a little outdated, I've changed a lot.
